
Why Does My Dog Eat Cat Poop? – Dutch Pet

There is nothing more adorable than watching your dog and cat play together. Sure, dogs and cats have a bad stigma of hating each other, but most of the time they get along perfectly fine.

but if you have a dog and a cat, you may have wondered: “why does my dog ​​eat cat poop?”.

It may be strange, but it’s not unlikely that you’ll see your dog eating cat poop from time to time. eating poop is a habit called coprophagia. in fact, approximately 16% of dogs regularly eat their own feces or that of other animals.1

Approximately 16% of dogs regularly eat their own or other animals’ feces.

it’s gross, but there are actually many reasons why dogs eat cat poop. in some cases, dogs may eat feces due to underlying health issues. other dogs may simply have developed a bad habit.

While it’s not uncommon to see your dog approach you with kitty litter around its mouth, it’s definitely something to avoid as it can make your dog sick. in fact, this behavior can predispose dogs to fecal parasitism, such as hookworms.2

In this blog post, we’ll answer a lot of questions you’ve probably already asked yourself, like “why does my dog ​​eat my cat’s poop?” and “how can I prevent my dog ​​from eating cat feces?”. It’s important to prevent your dog from eating cat poop as soon as possible to prevent it from becoming an unhealthy and potentially dangerous habit.

  • why dogs eat cat poop (and other things they shouldn’t)
  • is cat poop bad for dogs?
  • Can dogs get sick from eating cat poop?
  • how to prevent coprophagia in dogs
  • final notes
  • why dogs eat cat poop (and other things they shouldn’t)

    Dogs can eat cat poop, among other things they shouldn’t eat, since they are explorers and coprophagy is often a byproduct of exploring. however, coprophagy can also be related to nutritional deficiencies, medical problems, or behavioral problems.

    Here are some of the most common reasons dogs eat cat poop:

    nutritional deficiencies

    The reason your dog eats cat poop may be due to certain nutritional deficiencies. Your dog doesn’t know what he should and shouldn’t eat, and if he doesn’t get enough nutrients on a regular basis, he may think eating cat poop is the right idea. That’s why it’s so important to feed your dog a well-balanced, nutritious diet so he’s less likely to experience the urge to poop.

    Coprophagia can be a sign of vitamin deficiencies in your dog’s diet. however, it is a rare cause of this behavior in Western society due to the availability of high-quality food.

    Underlying Medical Problems

    Various underlying medical problems can also cause a dog to feel the urge to eat cat poop. Intestinal parasites, intestinal malabsorption, and various other types of hormonal or endocrine imbalances are potential causes of coprophagia. coprophagia can also be caused by thiamine deficiencies, pancreatic deficiency, malabsorption disorders, and starvation.3

    These diseases can cause a dog to not properly digest its food, which can result in a large amount of undigested food being found in its feces. Since a dog is not properly digesting his food, his appetite is not being satisfied, which can cause him to eat poop out of hunger.

    This is a less common cause of coprophagia, but still something to be aware of, as these health issues can pose many risks to your dog’s health. If you suspect that your dog is eating cat poop due to an underlying medical condition, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible so he can receive proper treatment.

    behavioral issues

    Another main reason dogs eat cat poop is behavioral disorders. Many dogs eat cat poop simply because it has become a habit for them and they really enjoy doing it, hard as it may seem to believe. some dogs enjoy the taste of cat poop, which can contribute to this unhealthy habit.

    Some dogs also eat cat poop simply out of boredom. if they don’t have anyone to play with or spend a lot of time alone in the house, they may go back to eating cat poop as a way to entertain themselves when they’re bored. a dog that gets a lot of social interaction time is much less likely to eat cat poop, simply because he won’t have time to. stress can also cause a dog to develop unhealthy tendencies, such as eating cat poop.

    dogs with underlying anxiety disorders are also more likely to develop coprophagia.4 If your dog has developed a habit of eating cat poop, it can become very difficult to break. for this reason, it is important to consult a veterinarian about your dog’s condition, as it can be a symptom of anxiety.

    is cat poop bad for dogs?

    While coprophagia isn’t uncommon in dogs, it’s definitely not good for them. cat poop can be quite harmful to your dog because it can transmit parasites and bacteria. Your cat’s poop can contain various types of intestinal parasites, which can be very harmful to your pup. Their poop can also contain salmonella, which can also be transmitted to humans if your dog licks you.

    can dogs get sick from eating cat poop?

    If your dog eats cat poop, especially if he does it frequently, he can definitely get sick. cat poop can transmit parasites and bacteria to your dog, which can cause a number of different health problems. If you notice your dog eating cat poop, ask him to stop immediately and check to see if he has any obvious signs of being sick, such as excessive drooling, diarrhea, or vomiting. if your dog shows signs of being sick, you should call your vet immediately.

    Tips to prevent coprophagia in dogs

    how to prevent coprophagia in dogs

    So now that we’ve answered the question “why does my dog ​​always eat cat poop?”, let’s move on to the next important topic: how to prevent your dog from eating cat poop. preventing your dog from eating cat poop can be a difficult habit to break, but it is crucial for the sake of your dog’s health.

    here are several ways to prevent coprophagia in dogs:

    1. move the litter box

    Your dog may have developed a habit of eating cat poop simply because your cat’s litter box is located in an area that is easily accessible to him. so to help break this habit, he should move the litter box to an area the dog can’t easily reach.5 Pet parents can also raise the litter box as long as the cat can easily reach it.

    You should also make sure the litter box is always clean. if there is no poop in the litter box, your dog has nothing to eat, so he will eventually stop feeling the urge to poop. try to clean the litter box every time your cat goes to the bathroom. A self-cleaning litter box can ensure that your cat’s box is always free of feces.

    2. make sure your dog is well fed

    One of the reasons your dog eats cat poop may be because he’s not getting the right nutrients. in this case, you should discuss your dog’s diet with your vet to ensure he is getting all the nutrients he needs. If your dog isn’t eating enough or getting the nutrients he needs, you can try to make up for it by eating poop. therefore, make sure your dog is well fed with a well-balanced diet.

    3. spend time exercising and interacting with your dog

    Boredom and inadequate supervision are major causes of coprophagia, so to prevent your dog from becoming bored, make sure you spend plenty of time playing with him. make sure they are getting enough exercise, physical and mental stimulation, and social interaction so they don’t get bored and pick up habits like coprophagy. exercising and bonding with your dog is also beneficial to his overall health.

    4. talk to your vet

    At the end of the day, your vet will have the best idea of ​​how to prevent your dog from eating cat poop. Your vet can help rule out underlying medical issues and identify behavioral issues and come up with a plan to prevent coprophagia. Before taking matters into your own hands, it’s always a good idea to talk to your vet first.

    Dog and cat cuddling

    final notes

    if you have a cat and a dog, chances are you’ll see your dog coming towards you with litter in his mouth, which may make you wonder, “why does my dog ​​keep eating cat poop?”

    There are many reasons dogs may eat cat poop, from underlying medical issues to behavioral issues, so it’s important to get to the bottom of what’s causing your dog to eat cat poop. Coprophagy can pose a host of health risks to your dog, so it’s important to prevent him from eating cat poop as soon as possible. Breaking this habit can be difficult for your dog, but it is necessary for his overall health.

    If you’re not sure what to do about your dog eating cat poop, you should see a vet. You can use to get in touch with a vet who can help you get to the bottom of your dog’s coprophagia.

    dutch is a convenient pet care solution, allowing pet owners to contact vets from the comfort of their homes through our remote telehealth service. dutch partners with a network of highly trained veterinarians who are qualified to help diagnose and treat a multitude of pet health issues, including coprophagy. Dutch vets will help you find a way to stop your dog’s coprophagia before he gets sick.

    To get started with Dutch, all you have to do is register online, fill out a questionnaire explaining your situation, and you’ll be connected to a licensed vet who you can talk to in more detail. This vet will help you create a personalized treatment plan for his furry friend and deliver any prescribed medications right to your door, so he can treat your pet as quickly as possible.

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