
Can a Ragdoll Cat be Pure White?

If you’re looking for a pure white ragdoll cat, you may be out of luck. technically speaking, no traditional purebred ragdoll cat can be truly considered “pure white.” The ragdoll breed standard established by the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) states that ragdolls are pointed cats, meaning their bodies are lighter in color than their tips (face, paws, tail, and ears).

Ragdolls are born without any color in their fur. Their fur gradually develops pigment as they age, with the final coloring usually not being fully done until they are around two years old. therefore, it is possible for a kitten to be born completely white and then develop patches of color as it matures.

There are some all-white ragdolls, known as blue-eyed white (bew) ragdolls, but many cat associations do not consider them to be true “purebreds.” if you’re determined to get a purebred “white” ragdoll, your best bet is to look for one with a very light color, such as the cream ragdoll cat.

what colors are ragdoll cats?

Traditional ragdoll cats are officially recognized as coming in various colors.

these are:

  • seal: the extremities (nose, ears, tail and feet) are dark brown in color and the body is cream in color with a brown undertone.
  • blue: the limbs are dark gray and the body is cream-colored with a gray undertone.
  • chocolate: the limbs are light brown and the body is creamy white.
  • lilac: the limbs are light blue and the body is creamy white.
  • llama – limbs are red/orange in color and body is cream in color with an orange undertone.
  • cream – the limbs are ivory in color and the body is pale white
  • a rag doll can have one of the following patterns

    • bicolor: an inverted v-shaped mask on the face.
    • colorpoint: the ears, feet, face and tail are all colored and the rest of the body is cream.
    • mitted – as with colorpoint but legs and chin have white “gloves”. the ragdoll also has a belly stripe that runs from the chin to the genitals.
    • There are also many variations within these colors, such as seal lynx point or blue glove. In addition to the main colors, there are also tortie dots, which are a mixture of two colors.

      what is a cream ragdoll cat?

      cream ragdolls are the rarest of all colors. only 3% of ragdoll owners own a cream colored ragdoll cat. Cream-colored ragdolls have a white body with ivory tips on their faces, ears, nose, tail, and feet. Because they are so light in color, they are often mistaken for pure whites.

      blue-eyed white rag dolls (bew)

      controversy in the breeding community surrounding white ragdolls has been ongoing for many years. some people believe that a ragdoll cannot be pure white, since the ragdoll standard only recognizes colors of size and pure white is not one of them. while other breeders who have adopted the mink, sepia and solid color variants believe they may be pure white ragdolls.

      Blue-eyed white ragdoll cats are a solid-colored ragdoll cat. Breeders of these cats believe that they are not a new ragdoll variant but are in fact a lineage dating back to the first ragdoll cats bred by Ann Baker in California in the 1960s. The ragdoll breed was developed by Josephine, a pure white domestic cat, and Saracen, a black Burmese-type cat, both solid in color. Traditional ragdoll breeders argue that Ann Baker rejected any resulting solid-colored kittens in favor of the spiky type that has become the breed standard.

      In recent years, some cat governing bodies, such as the International Cat Association, have accepted ragdoll cats with white fur as purebreds. while the ragdoll breed standard does not currently recognize the color of the white coat, it is becoming increasingly popular with ragdoll fanciers.

      Although blue-eyed white ragdolls may be different in color than the ragdolls most people are familiar with, they still have the same kind and loving temperament. these cats are known to be affectionate and laid back, and they make excellent companions. blue-eyed white ragdolls are also known to be intelligent and playful, and enjoy spending time with their human families.

      so what’s the truth about pure white ragdolls? unfortunately, there is no clear answer.

      There is much controversy surrounding the question of whether or not ragdoll cats can be pure white. some breeders insist that they can, while others maintain that it is impossible for a ragdoll to be completely devoid of color. the truth is that there is no clear answer.

      find out more about the colors of the ragdoll cat

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