
Siberian Cat Personality Profile (2022) I 11 Adorable Traits

If you’ve always considered yourself a dog lover, but for whatever reason struggle with the time and effort involved in owning a dog, then a Siberian cat might be the perfect pet for you.

Siberian cat personality traits are known to be the most “doggie” of all cat breeds due to their fun and contagious personalities.

in fact, I had always considered myself a dog person until I met a friend’s Siberian and fell in love. i went on to get a siberian of my own, our boss cat alexei, and it’s one of the best decisions i’ve ever made. I had no idea cats could be so loving, affectionate, and fun.

11 personality characteristics of the Siberian cat

1. loving

Siberian cats love their families, including other pets and children, and love to snuggle with their family. my siberian cat spends half his life on his back waiting for me or someone else to rub his belly and cuddle him. They will also come and snuggle close to you on the couch or in your bed if you let them.

Siberians generally like to be picked up and cuddled, as long as you make sure their paws are free so they can run away if they want to. my siberian doesn’t like being held like this when i’m sitting, but he loves it when i’m standing. I think this is because it allows you to see more of the world.

2. independent

Although Siberian cats like to cuddle up and have fun, they’re definitely not needy. they also like their own space and have no problem letting you know when they would rather be alone. Siberians want to be respected and treated with dignity.

3. energetic

Their high level of intelligence plus their physical agility means that Siberian cats can be quite energetic. my siberian sleeps much less than he expected for a cat. he tends to be quite active day and night and is rarely in one place for a very long period of time.

4. they tend to meow less and love to purr.

This is a relatively calm breed that tends to communicate through cute meows. my siberian mainly meows when he wants a hug or attention. they also have a deep purr of almost several levels. the happier your Siberian is, the deeper and more multilayered his purr will be.

5. smart and intuitive

A Siberian cat often comes when called and can easily be taught to walk in a harness. their high intelligence levels mean they like puzzle toys and I also use a puzzle feeding mat for my siberian.

6. natural calm

Although they love fun and mischief, at their core Siberians are almost serene in their natural calm. They are quite patient and gentle, which makes them great with children and other animals. It is often said that it is better to have two Siberian cats, as they tend to do better with a cat friend.

7. curious

Siberian cats love to know what’s going on, and if they’re denied access to an area, they’ll be determined to find a solution to the problem. My Siberian likes to follow me around the house, he is fascinated by household cleaning activities, wants to go into every cupboard and open door, and generally wants to know what is going on at all times.

Siberian cats generally don’t like to be left alone for long periods of time. They are very social and are happiest when with their humans. whenever I’m away from home for more than a few hours, my Siberian refuses to look at me for the first ten minutes I’m home, as if to say, how dare you leave me. he does, however, allow me to hug and hold him during this time.

8. adventurer

Siberians are fearless and love to explore their territories. they are particularly agile for cats, so they have no problem accessing difficult areas. i have a gps collar for alexei because he loves to climb on neighboring roofs and wants to have access to everywhere.

9. I love playing games

Siberian cats love to play, but they’re unlikely to let you win! they love to play with toys and maintain their passion for play well beyond their kitten years.

Many Siberian cats also like to play fetch. my siberian alexei loves to bring me a ball or a small cat or bird toy for me to throw and return.

My Siberian loves to play “hunting” games. He loves feather toys and any scratching post he has hanging a bird or mouse on. in fact, a toy bird that he “killed” by ripping it off the string is one of alexei’s favorite toys.

in fact, Siberians will turn any object into a game! my siberian cat loves to grab the tie on my bathrobe, pull on my ponytail, and grab any loose strings or ties that might be around.

These cats love new tricks and tend to be quick learners. puzzle toys are generally a big hit with Siberians, as they love trying to solve a problem, especially if it leads to a treat or mouse.

Your Siberian will enjoy playing games that involve jumping. His hind legs are very strong and slightly longer than the front ones. this means they are naturally great jumpers.

alexei loves his cat tree because he can run and jump up and down. I have also placed it near the tv so alexei can play in the tree while monitoring the room and its inhabitants.

They also tend to love bookshelves, curtain rods, and some of the high points of whatever room they’re in, including chandeliers and light fixtures.

I’m surprised Alexei didn’t break anything in the house. she jumps, runs and explores everywhere, but manages to have a great sense of balance and care.

10. part of the household

Siberian cats love to be involved with their homes. The inquisitive nature of the Siberian cat personality means that they like to know what’s going on and ideally also participate in any and all activities.

They love to climb on laptop keyboards, sit on top of newspapers or magazines, or point their paws at the phone their owner is still using.

This breed of cat is very loyal and will come find you when you get home and sit with you when you’re having a bad day or not feeling well. siberian cats often follow their owners from room to room – alexei certainly does this with me.

This gentle and loving breed will also enjoy lying close to you on the couch. Alexei likes to be a bit far from me, but not so much that I can’t constantly pet him.

11. they are good with new people.

Siberians tend to treat all guests well and are naturally curious and easy-going around new people. Even when he was a kitten, Alexei was quite happy to be cuddled and cuddled by anyone, including small children. noise and activity don’t usually bother these woodland cats.

activities with your Siberian

Siberian cats are naturally adventurous. It is definitely an option for your cat to walk on a harness and leash. they learn quickly and they will also discover how to open doors, open drawers, etc.

a Siberian peculiarity

Unlike most other felines, Siberian cats tend to love water. They like to get their paws and tummy wet, and may even join you in the shower. this may be due to his past in the Siberian forest.

history of Siberian cats

The origins of the Siberian cat breed are shrouded in mystery. Wild cats from the Siberian forest are believed to have mixed with cats brought by traders from Vologda. the resulting cat had three layers of fur and tufted ears. they became the guardian cats of Russian monasteries and were known to chase mice in markets, especially in St. Petersburg.

Siberian cats have also been called Siberian forest cats or Moscow longhair cats.

The breed nearly went extinct in World War II, but their amazing triple coats are believed to have kept them going. The breed was exported to Europe and the United States in the 1990s, arriving in the United Kingdom in 2002. Siberian cats are still relatively rare in the United States.

Today, Siberians are the national cat of Russia.

appearance of the Siberian cat

Siberian cats tend to weigh between 12 and 15 pounds and come in a wide range of colors. male Siberians tend to mature slowly and can continue to grow until they are 5 years old and weigh up to 25 pounds.

Their three-tiered coat and strong bodies can be attributed to their Russian heritage. Their coats are waterproof and they are known to be one of the most hypoallergenic of cat breeds. this is due to the fact that their fur is said to contain less of the feld1 allergen that causes cat allergies. however, please note that no breed of cat is 100% hypoallergenic. Siberians have less feld1 than most other cat breeds.

Siberian cats often have green, gold, or brown eyes. however, white Siberians tend to have blue eyes. their eyes tend to be round in shape.

Siberian cats shed quite a bit, usually twice a year. in spring they will shed their longer winter coat and in autumn they will lose their short summer coat. Interestingly, a Siberian cat’s shedding is triggered by a change in daylight hours rather than a change in temperature.

In addition to their amazing coats, Siberian cats will also develop a rather majestic ruff around their necks, especially in winter. they also tend to have quite magnificent fluffy tails.

They rarely need bathing due to their thick coat, but they do need to be brushed at least three times a week to prevent matting.

health and physique of the Siberian cat

Siberian cats typically live to be 15 years old and are generally a healthy breed. the greatest genetic risk with Siberians is a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. this is a condition in which the heart muscle becomes enlarged and then performs worse.

The hind legs of a Siberian cat are longer than the front legs. this makes them very skilled athletes and jumpers.

The Siberian cat’s loving and cuddly personality makes these fluffy felines a delight. they are the perfect cat for busy homes and families, as they tend to be easygoing. Getting a Siberian cat was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I’m already thinking about when I’ll get my second Siberian cat.

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