
5 Hairless Cat Breeds — The Naked Truth – Catster

Love snuggling with furry felines but are curious about their naked counterparts? get ready to satisfy your appetite with this crash course in hairless cat breeds. A word of warning: by the end of this article you will definitely want to add one of these hairless cat breeds to your feline family!

1. child

have you met the munchkin? what about the sphinx? Well… say hello to the bambino, a too-cute-to-handle cross between the two with lemon eyes atop a wedge-shaped head. A relatively new breed (created in 2005!), the bambino is classified as a dwarf and has short, muscular legs to prove it. do they slow it down somehow? not a bit! it corners like a race car and has the activity and energy levels of its Italian namesake – a baby, toddler or toddler!

Although she is part of the small cat committee (babies average between 4.9 and 8.8 pounds), this baby is full of character, compassion, and cuddling and will win your heart fast!

fun fact: as with all breeds of hairless cats, bambinos are not hypoallergenic. They produce the same allergy-causing fel d 1 as furry cats.

2. donskoy

If a mystery man holds the key to your heart, you’ll adore the Donskoy, a hairless heartthrob with a quartet of aliases: Don Sphynx, Russian Hairless, Russian Donskoy, and Don Hairless. the first donskoy was discovered in 1987 by elena kovaleva in russia.

elena rescued the kitten from the kids who were being mean to her. As time went by, the kitten, named Varvara, lost her hair…and when she gave birth to a litter of kittens, they lost their hair too! At first it was thought to be a disease, but eventually a professional breeder intervened and realized that a new breed had been born: the Donskoy!

Known for his canine loyalty, the Donskoy doesn’t require a lot of attention and interaction – he demands it! intelligent and friendly, the donskoy is highly inquisitive, making it an easy feline to train.

Fun fact: Donskoy grow a winter coat (most often seen on their chest and tail) during the cold months, then shed it again when they’re gone! Turn up the heat!

3. peter bald

do you know the donskoy you met above? well, peterbald has ties to that handsome fellow! how is that? The Peterbald is a cross between the Donskoy and the Oriental Shorthair, giving it the sophisticated look of a hairless Siamese! the affection is enormous when it comes to the peterbald: he will snuggle under the covers with you at bedtime and sit next to you at all meals.

As with Orientals, Peterbalds are very vocal and love to chat with their humans; they will also see you off in the morning and greet you at the front door when you return in the evening. how about devotion?

Fun fact: Peterbalds, like all hairless cat breeds, have a higher metabolism than full-coated cats, making it essential to eat more. even more intriguing? That fast metabolism makes scrapes and skin wounds heal faster!

4. sphinx

Of all the hairless cat breeds, chances are you’ve heard of the sphynx before, and that has a lot to do with its appearance in pop culture. after all mr. Bigglesworth, from the popular Austin Powers film franchise, was a sphinx…and he nearly stole mike myers’ screen!

Celebrity status aside, the sphynx was ranked the 8th most popular cat breed in 2016 by the Cat Fanciers Association, an honor likely attributed to its good looks and friendly personality. sphinxes were also ranked the most affectionate cat breed by veterinary behavior magazine.

Fun fact: Although naked, not all sphynx fur is the same: it comes in patterns and colors that mimic those of their furry family. sphinxes even come in shades of tabby and tortoise!

5. ukrainian levkoy

A cross between a Donskoy and a Scottish Fold, the Ukrainian Levkoy is perhaps the most unique cardholder in the hairless cat breed group because it has not one distinguishing feature, but two: it is hairless and possesses those squeals. dignified folded ears! Although Ukrainian Levkoy loves attention and affection, she doesn’t demand too much and finds satisfaction even when she’s alone.

She’s a little standoffish at first, but once the Ukrainian Levkoy gets to know you, she loves to be cuddled and gets along with everyone from kids to adults and other animals.

fun fact: a relatively new breed (its origins date back to the early 2000s!), the Ukrainian levkoy sports wrinkles all over its hairless body, giving it an even more distinctive look!

what to know about hairless cat breeds

Do you think you want to be a parent to one of these hairless cat breeds? A few things to keep in mind about hairless cat breeds:

  1. Some breeds of hairless cats (for example, the Donskoy and Peterbald) have a handful of coat types that give the slightest hint of fur (from rubbery bald to flocked and brush to velvet). , but sphynx, bambino, and Ukrainian levkoy are covered in a fine, soft down that makes them feel like suede.
  2. Hairless cat breeds are generally highly intelligent and curious, with the loyalty and affection of dogs. given that, they need mental stimulation and lots of love from their humans.
  3. One way to show hairless cat breeds some attention is through their grooming routine. While furry felines do most of the grooming on their own with little help from their humans, hairless kitties need a little more help. daily cleanings all over the body help absorb excess oil that would normally be absorbed by the coat; and monthly (or more frequent, as needed) baths prevent skin problems. Clean ears weekly to prevent infection and remove wax buildup and debris. hairless cat breeds also need sun protection. wear an spf formulated for kittens to prevent sunburn and a sweater for the cooler months.
  4. thumbnail: photo by dezy/shutterstock.

    This article was originally published in 2018.

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