
Siamese Cat Weight By Age – Full Guide – My British Shorthair

There’s something special about Siamese cats. While all cats are graceful, Siamese kittens seem to have gotten a little extra grace in their step, and coupled with their graceful features and loving personalities, they’re definitely a breed that’s impossible to resist.

Today we’ll tell you a bit about what you can expect in terms of your size and weight, but we’ll also talk about your specific diets, as well as some health conditions you’ll want to have. in search of. Let’s talk about your Siamese cat and what to expect as she gets older!

Siamese cat weight by age

To get you started, we want to make sure we set the right expectations and let you know that the weights we’ve compiled to list these are simply an average, to give you a basic foundation of what to expect.

Siamese cats, like other cats, can be larger or smaller in size, and all have their own preferred activity levels. That being said, on average, a male is between 10 and 15 pounds fully grown, while a female is usually between 8 and 12 pounds. males also tend to be taller, usually around 2 inches/5 cm, and 11-14 inches full grown.

Although Siamese cats tend to stay lean, as they are mostly indoor cats, you will want to make sure they have plenty of toys and an area to play, as there is still a risk of obesity if your Siamese cat is not doing enough exercise.

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Finally, apart from the projection data that we will give you today, we recommend that you check with your breeder if your Siamese cat comes from one. ask if you can see the parents or at least have their height and weight measurements and this can give you a pretty good idea of ​​their final height and weight.

Siamese cat weight chart

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s take a look at an approximation of your cat’s weight as it ages. again, these are estimates only – do not start any dietary changes without your vet’s recommendation. a cat that is too thin or too heavy needs a vet check first to rule out possible health problems.

How much should my Siamese cat weigh? here is an at-a-glance growth approximation chart for this breed:

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with Siamese cats, you’ll typically see a 3-pound difference between the male’s top average healthy weight. Simply put, males typically top out at 15 pounds, while females typically weigh around 12 pounds. males tend to be a bit taller, but it will all come down to their DNA.

Occasionally, you’ll end up with a short male and a tall female, although if your Siamese cat is a rescue that wasn’t neutered or spayed early, they will almost always be much smaller as this affects their growth. index. feral/feral cats grow slowly, due to high levels of outdoor activity and the need to hunt for all their meals.

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variables that can affect your Siamese’s weight gain

There are a number of factors that can come into play to help determine how big your Siamese cat will be when fully grown. There’s the DNA factor, of course, but if you rescued your cat from a shelter, the parental measurements may not be available to you. the next, however, is a manageable factor and that is nutrition.

Siamese kittens can be a little undersized if they don’t get enough protein or nutrition in general, but we’ll talk about that in a bit more detail in a separate section. if your Siamese cat was a feral or rescue kitten, then a smaller frame may also be due to being weaned too early, and this will usually be reflected in behaviors as well.

If you notice that your cat competes with other cats in the house for food or tends to gobble her own rather quickly, then early weaning is a definite possibility. cats learn socialization skills from their mother and siblings, so an early separation can definitely have an impact on size and behavior.

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Finally, on the other hand, since Siamese cats are almost always kept as indoor kittens, it’s up to you to make sure they’re getting enough exercise. having lots of toys available helps, but scheduled playtime is also a good idea. a bored Siamese can start sleeping more than normal and obesity can definitely become a risk.

counting your cat’s calories for proper nutrition

Siamese cats need a lot of protein, and most vets will recommend a high-protein, grain-free cat food. wet food is preferable, but if you’re on a budget you can always boil some water and optionally add a chicken stock cube (unsalted only) to it and pour some into his food.

Let it sit for 2-3 minutes and it will expand, giving you “wet food on a budget.” calories, your Siamese cat needs 40 to 50 calories for every 2 pounds/.9 kilograms of her actual weight to maintain her current healthy weight. this equates to 200 -250 calories per day for a 10 pound/4.5 kilo Siamese cat.

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How often you should feed them will be different depending on their age. adult Siamese cats can be fed twice a day, so each dish would be 100-125 calories, or if the cat is a Siamese kitten or just not an adult, 3-4 meals a day is best. /p>

If you want to use those hours but it won’t work well with your work schedule, you might consider investing in an automatic feeder. these will open at preset times per day, so your cat is served meals at the times you select for him, even when you’re away at work.

care considerations for the Siamese breed

with Siamese cats, once you’ve got their diet under control, you’ll want to make sure you include their treats in your daily calories and the easiest way to keep track is to assess the calories in your favorite treats to find the ones with the least impact.

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if your Siamese cat is losing weight and you notice that he only ‘nibbles’ at his food for short periods of time, you may want to take him to the vet to check for gingivitis (despite healthy weight gain or loss) . Siamese cats are prone to this, although you can help keep it at bay by brushing their teeth from time to time to help. keep in mind that all breeds of cats are different and all breeds of cats will require an individual approach.

In addition to gingivitis, these cats are also prone to heart disease and glaucoma as Siamese cats age, but as long as you keep up with vet visits every 3 months, you should be able to catch these conditions early. time so that it will not affect the health of your kitten.

If your cat is a year old and still seems a little small, don’t panic: while most Siamese are full-grown by one year, some don’t stop growing until they’re 2 years old, so this is a lo Last thing to keep in mind if you are concerned about the size of your cat.

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additional tips on your Siamese’s diet

If you notice that your young Siamese kittens seem to be vomiting a lot, you’ll want to take them to the vet as soon as possible. Siamese cats can suffer from pyloric stenosis, most often when they are kittens, and this disease causes a narrowing of the stomach that makes it difficult to properly digest food.

While this is not a common condition, Siamese cats are more prone to it than standard house cats, and it is something to watch out for. it’s pretty weird, but we’d be wrong not to mention this.

other than being aware of pyloric stenosis, your cat’s diet will actually be pretty much the same as a standard house cat, just with a little extra protein to help ensure your cat gets the Sufficient nutrition for your activity level.

A fun way to help your Siamese cat have a good time with you (which coincidentally includes exercise) is to teach your Siamese cat to fetch. this breed is quite intelligent and if you make a tradition of playing fetch at the end of your workday, you’ll burn a few extra calories and have a lot of fun for both of you!

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some final words about Siamese cats

Now that you know what to expect, remember that we are simply giving you averages based on the statistical data at our disposal. DNA and other factors such as spaying or neutering can definitely make a difference and since your cat is an individual, sometimes they will just be smaller or larger and still be completely normal.

If you’re concerned about his weight, the best thing to do is just bring him in for a quick checkup. your vet can rule out any health issues and if a change in diet is required, they will be able to fix it right away.

Now that you know what to expect as your kitty grows, we wish you a healthy Siamese cat at the best weight and at a healthy weight!

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