
Flame Point Siamese Cats: Rarity, price, personality, and breeding

Standard purebred Siamese cats have seal-colored, chocolate, blue, or lilac points. Over the years, other colors have begun to emerge, including a vibrant red.

A cat with a Siamese appearance and vibrant red points is known as a Flame Point Siamese. This particular Siamese variation originated from the crossbreed of a Siamese cat and an American Shorthair red tabby cat. sometimes called red-point Siamese.

the official cat agency in the usa. The US Cat Fanciers Association does not recognize the Flame Point Siamese as a purebred cat, so they are simply classified as Colorpoint Shorthairs along with other similar non-standard Siamese cats, such as the Point Siamese. lynx.

Are Flame Point Siamese cats classified as purebreds?

Flame Point Siamese cats are not purebreds. they were created by crossing a Siamese and an American Shorthair Tabby, resulting in a cat that shares the best features of both along with stunning red points.

red is not a standard tip color for Siamese cats, but lovers of Siamese and shorthaired reds thought the combination of the two colors would make a pretty cat.

Both Siamese and Shorthair cats have good temperaments and the resulting Fire Point Siamese has taken on the best elements of their traits.

Like the Siamese, the flame point has a white or cream body and bright blue eyes.

unlike the Siamese which has seal, chocolate, blue or lilac points, the flame point Siamese has different shades of red on the face, legs and tip of the tail.

how much is a flame point siamese cat worth?

Although they are not classified as purebred cats, Flame Point Siamese cats can be expensive. prices range from $400 to $2000 or more. a registered breeder charges a higher price and is worth paying for peace of mind.

If you’re going to spend a lot of money on a flame point Siamese kitten, ask for proof that both the parents and the kittens are healthy. expect your kitty to be vaccinated, health monitored, and free of genetically transmitted diseases.

People often assume that mixed-breed kittens aren’t worth as much as purebred kittens, but in reality all kittens need to be bred correctly and are worth paying extra for. it should save you money in the long run on future vet bills.

More importantly, a well-behaved kitty has a better chance of living a long and healthy life, which means less heartbreak for you, too.

flame point siamese cats are rare

among the color point siamese crosses, flame point siamese cats are rare. the main reason for their scarcity is that Siamese breeders tend to breed purebred Siamese more often than mixed-breed flame points. this results in the low availability of flame point cats.

add to this the fact that female flame points are also quite rare due to the complex genetics responsible for the red coloration, which means fewer females are born.

the flame point siamese cat has a perfect personality

When it comes to personality, the Fire Point Siamese is known to be playful, affectionate, intelligent, and loves the company of humans.

Like the Siamese, this is a cat that doesn’t like to be alone so if possible always get a second cat as they will naturally entertain each other, which often in turn has a positive effect on their well-being.

Llama Point is the cat lover’s cat, perfect for anyone who has a lot of time to spend with him. he is an attention-grabbing cat and really needs human interaction.

just like traditional Siamese, wow, these cats can talk! you can almost carry on a conversation with a flame point. it has the same distinctive voice as a traditional Siamese cat.

Expect to hear loud meowing, chirping, screeching, and a variety of chirps, often at high volumes. these cats have powerful voices!

An easy way to keep a Llama Point happy and healthy is to play with it regularly with a toy that satisfies its natural instincts to stalk and pounce.

Our cats’ all-time favorite is the go cat da bird. It is handmade from real feathers and is perfect for encouraging them to jump and chase. If you haven’t seen one, it’s conveniently available on Amazon. Here is a link to see all the details and the current price.

flame point siamese cats aren’t bad

Flame point Siamese cats do not exhibit bad personalities. in fact, they are popular for their affectionate and sociable nature.

They are known to behave confidently in the presence of other cats, but they rarely misbehave around them.

flame point cat owners always say that the main reason they love them so much is their gentle nature and lack of aggression.

how to buy flame point siamese cats

The best place to buy a Flame Point Siamese is from a breeder who specializes in producing them. make sure they are registered and can prove they have healthy breeding cats.

any good breeder will be more than happy to introduce you to the mother and kittens, show you around the facilities and clearly care about their pups and cats.

It’s always worth registering with local cat rescue centers and expressing the type of cat you’re interested in, especially if you don’t mind adopting an older cat.

what you could pay for a flame point siamese cat

The price of a flame point Siamese can range from $400 to $2000 more. Much depends on current availability and demand, which are constantly fluctuating.

Flame Point Siamese cats are more expensive from registered breeders because the cost of keeping breeding cats in good health and producing quality kittens is high.

beware of buying cheap unregistered kittens and those that do not appear healthy and well socialized. a cheap kitty is often a false economy because she might need extra medical attention.

If you’ve ever wondered why good breeders have long waiting lists and expensive Siamese kittens, here’s a quick rundown of why:

  • breeding cats are scanned to show they do not have genetic conditions
  • all breeding cats have annual health checks
  • breeders use high-quality food to ensure their cats are in top condition
  • kittens are vaccinated twice and vet checked
  • good quality kittens are always in high demand
  • backyard breeders are notorious for not adhering to the first four points above. yes you might get a kitty quicker and yes it will probably be a lot cheaper.

    You might even get lucky and find that your kitty lives a long and healthy life. but there is a good chance that your kitty will get sick and have inherent health problems.

    Do Flame Point Siamese Cats Have Health Problems?

    Because they are mixed-breeds, Flame Point Siamese cats are quite robust when it comes to their health. That being said, there are several health issues that occasionally crop up.

    these include:

    • hip dysplasia
    • feline hyperesthesia syndrome (fhs), also known as skin spasmodic syndrome
    • urinary tract infections
    • arthritis
    • pica syndrome: eating inedible objects
    • dental problems
    • Siamese cats can be orange

      A purebred Siamese cat doesn’t have orange points, but a Siamese cat with fire points does. obviously, only the colored points of a flame point are orange, a color that is also known as ginger but is officially called red.

      The orange color of a Flame Point Siamese is inherited from the American Shorthair tabby cat that is crossed with a Siamese to create this stunning cat.

      There is no such thing as an orange Siamese cat, but a Flame Point Siamese is an orange tabby Siamese mix.

      Flame Point Siamese: Conclusion

      in some areas, the flame point Siamese is a recognized breed, but in others, it is classified as a Siamese cross and is known as the colorpoint shorthair.

      Either way, he is a beautiful and prized cat with red points and striking blue eyes.

      If you want one of these cats, you may need to be patient as they are often in high demand and in short supply. but all Siamese cat owners will tell you that this strikingly beautiful cat is definitely worth the wait.

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