
Old cat not eating? Get them to enjoy mealtime again this way


As cats get older, they begin to mellow out and take life more easily than before.

the signs of old age in cats are not easy to detect, as they progress gradually. You may notice that your feline spends more time resting, is less willing to explore, and chooses easily accessible places to relax around the house.

Your senior cat’s eating habits may change, too. Your feline may prefer moist or semi-moist food to dry food and may become more finicky or sensitive as time goes on. often you will have to resort to raw or homemade foods to stimulate your cat’s appetite.

As their bodies slow down, your cat’s diet becomes crucial to keeping her healthy and happy. you should also pay more attention to signs of disease.

one of the most obvious and critical signs is when your older cat stops eating. There could be many causes for anorexia in a senior cat, but your immediate action is required to nip any disease in the bud.

If you have an older cat that won’t eat, get advice from untamed on possible causes and the best courses of action.

now why did I come here again?

source: pixabay

what changes occur as cats age?

The aging process in cats is similar to ours. common developments in older cats include:

  1. degeneration of the senses
  2. more sensitive stomach and digestive system
  3. tendency to contract urinary tract infections (utis)
  4. loss of muscle mass
  5. degeneration of the senses

    A cat’s sense of taste, smell and vision will deteriorate over time. this can result in:

    • loss of interest in the food they used to eat
    • unwillingness to explore new areas or even visit hard-to-reach familiar places
    • increased nervousness and susceptibility to frightening
    • Your cat’s environment and diet may need to be adjusted to compensate for decreased perception of sight, smell, and taste.

      more sensitive stomach and digestive system

      Older cats are less able to digest food. you will often find that low quality products cause ib, vomiting, diarrhea, >constipation, stomach sensitivity or food allergies that your cat has never experienced before

      You may also notice that your senior cat is eating smaller amounts more frequently, a sure sign that your kitty’s digestive system is slowing down.

      tendency to get uti

      uti can affect cats of any age, but mature cats become more susceptible to:

      • cystitis
      • bladder stones
      • other minor UTIs
      • adjusting your senior cat’s diet to help maintain ph levels in the urinary tract can alleviate this sign of aging.

        loss of muscle mass

        Just like humans, older cats tend to lose muscle mass, especially if they are fed a poor-quality diet based on grains and cereals.

        As a cat’s metabolism slows, a diet rich in energy and animal protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass. it also helps minimize the effect of any joint deterioration your cat may be suffering from.

        Your older cat will probably eat less than kittens or adults. no cause for concern – the only time you need to worry is when your cat stops eating altogether.

        relax, then relax, and then relax some more. hard life!

        source: pixabay

        what can be a simple reason for an elderly cat not to eat?

        with all the changes to their bodies, older cats can be forgiven for not being the voracious eaters they once were.

        If your older cat skips a day of food, you don’t need to immediately suspect the worst; the reason could be as simple as the following:

        1. your kitty is full
        2. GI problems or a hairball is causing distress
        3. the cat can’t smell the food
        4. the food bowl has moved
        5. stress has affected your appetite
        6. dental problems are causing pain
        7. your kitty is full

          Cats eat to replenish energy spent exploring, hunting, or playing.

          As these activities decrease with age, your cat may eat less or skip a meal altogether. don’t panic, it may just be that your cat hasn’t expended much energy since her last meal.

          gastric problems or a hairball is causing discomfort

          If your elderly cat has an upset stomach or a hairball, you may find the bowl intact until the problem resolves itself.

          Older cats tend to shed more or experience minor digestive issues. the best nutrition can simultaneously:

          • improve digestive health
          • helps hairballs pass through the intestine
          • keep the coat in better condition to minimize hair loss
          • the cat can’t smell the food

            A cat’s sense of smell is a crucial factor in awakening its appetite.

            If your older feline catches a cold or just can’t smell as strongly anymore, the urge to eat may not kick in as quickly.

            you can fix this:

            • warm food gently
            • mix dry kibble with a little warm water or aromatic broth or soup
            • feeding meals enriched with gelatin or sauce for cats
            • the food bowl has moved

              If your senior kitty’s eyesight is deteriorating, moving the feeder to a new location may make it impossible to find.

              If you notice your older cat seems disoriented and not eating, you should make sure the bowl hasn’t been inadvertently moved.

              stress has affected your appetite

              Cats love routine at the best of times, and a small change in environment can be enough to stress out an older cat.

              such changes may include:

              • a new cat in the neighborhood or worse yet, in the house
              • new daily routines, feeding times or relaxation periods
              • a new device making an unexpected noise or turning on randomly
              • too many visitors
              • When stressed, a cat’s instinct is to hide and wait until any potential danger has passed. it can extend to missing one or more meals.

                dental problems are causing pain

                many older cats develop dental problems that make eating painful.

                these could include:

                • lacerations or cuts to the mouth
                • loss of teeth
                • gingivitis or other gum disease
                • sores in the mouth
                • A quick examination of your cat’s teeth and gums can determine if there is a problem. in case of a dental problem, try mixing dry foods with wet foods or switch to wet foods entirely to make chewing easier and less painful.

                  none of these reasons for not eating are serious, and most can be corrected by rearranging your home to accommodate your aging feline’s new needs.

                  Hungry but not hungry.

                  source: pixabay

                  Could an elderly cat’s loss of appetite indicate something more serious?

                  Your older cat not eating could be a sign of a more serious condition. as the number of candles on your cake increases, senior cats are increasingly prone to developing:

                  1. hyperthyroidism
                  2. kidney failure
                  3. heart problems
                  4. diabetes
                  5. cancer
                  6. hyperthyroidism

                    Hyperthyroidism severely affects feline metabolism. may result in rapid weight loss or gain, and you may notice your cat eating voraciously or not eating at all.

                    The good news is that hyperthyroidism can be controlled with a carefully regulated diet and medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

                    kidney failure

                    Kidney failure is common in older cats, but unfortunately it only manifests itself when at least 75 percent of kidney function has been lost.

                    Although the condition is irreversible, your vet can prescribe medication to relieve symptoms and maintain your cat’s quality of life. a high-quality diet is essential to maintain organ function and prevent muscle wasting.

                    heart problems

                    If your cat has heart problems, you may notice a loss of appetite accompanied by:

                    • difficulty breathing
                    • seizures
                    • acute paralysis of hind legs
                    • You should go to the vet as soon as possible.

                      diabetes or pancreatitis

                      Diabetes often occurs in older cats with a history of obesity.

                      low-quality foods may play a role in triggering diabetes or pancreatitis, as they often contain large amounts of carbohydrates. these can be a quick-release source of energy, but they tend to flood a cat’s body with sugar.

                      this puts enormous pressure on the pancreas to release insulin, which reduces pancreatic efficiency in adulthood if a cat eats carbohydrates regularly.

                      a healthy diet is essential to counteract the effects of diabetes in older cats.


                      Loss of appetite is a common sign of cancer. Cats are prone to all forms of cancer after the age of ten.

                      regular testing is vital for older cats, and you should plan a visit to the vet every six months to detect any signs of cancer at the earliest possible stage.

                      what symptoms should worry you?

                      If you notice a change in your senior cat’s eating habits, you should check for the exact nature of the anorexia.

                      the most common symptoms of potentially dangerous conditions are:


                      possible cause

                      old cat has stopped eating and drinking

                      ● heart problems

                      ● liver failure

                      ● gastrointestinal problems

                      ● stress

                      older cat doesn’t eat but drinks

                      ● Kidney failure


                      senior cat doesn’t eat dry food

                      ● dental problems

                      Cats can go without food for some time, while they need regular water. if your older cat does not eat for more than 24 hours, this can have serious side effects.

                      After a day, your cat will begin to mobilize fat stores to provide energy, which can quickly lead to the liver becoming flooded with fat cells.

                      Because processing these cells is nearly impossible, a cat’s liver can easily become overwhelmed and deposit fatty tissue on its surface, reducing liver function.

                      This syndrome is known as hepatic lipidosis and can rapidly cause long-term liver damage, while therapeutic care to restore liver function often lasts up to eight weeks.

                      what can you do when an old cat stops eating?

                      The best thing you can do for your older cat who has stopped eating is to take him to the vet.

                      If there is a serious problem, your vet can start treatment right away. if there is no cause for alarm, you can make your senior cat’s diet more appealing and closer to its natural eating habits.

                      Cats are obligate carnivores, so the best food for your cat contains the right balance of:

                      1. animal protein
                      2. animal fat
                      3. essential vitamins
                      4. needed minerals
                      5. animal protein

                        cats need certain amino acids to:

                        • build muscle
                        • maintain skin and coat health
                        • keep organs functioning optimally
                        • The amino acids they need, except taurine, can be found in any protein source, but cats are better suited to getting them from meat.

                          Large amounts of animal protein mean cats need less food to meet their needs. this reflects their natural feeding regimen: feral cats typically catch and eat small prey up to 20 times per day.

                          Protein sources are measured by their Biological Value (BV), which measures what percentage of protein a cat can metabolize. see the following table for more details:

                          source of protein

                          biological value

                          ● chicken


                          ● Salmon

                          ● sardines

                          ● prawns

                          ● tuna


                          ● liver


                          ● beef

                          ● pork or ham


                          ● Soy


                          ● wheat germ

                          ● corn

                          ● sweet corn

                          ● other vegetable proteins

                          below 65%

                          cat food that contains protein with a bv greater than 90% will help your feline to:

                          • retain muscle mass
                          • maintain organ function
                          • maintain a sleek and shiny coat
                          • If your senior cat won’t eat, you should avoid vegetarian or vegan meals and stick to high-quality, grain-free products with meat as the main ingredient. the values ​​you should look for are:

                            type of nutrient

                            ideal percentage

                            animal protein

                            more than 50%


                            up to 20%


                            always below 3%

                            a variety of untamed goodness

                            image (c) wild

                            animal fat

                            Although a mediocre energy source compared to protein, fat provides twice as much energy as carbohydrates. it also contains essential fatty acids that help maintain the structural integrity of cells.

                            The taste of animal fat also drives some cats crazy, so you may be able to solve your older cat’s appetite problem with foods high in animal fat.

                            essential vitamins

                            Cats can synthesize vitamins C and K on their own but need the rest in their diet.

                            The best sources of vitamins are presented in the following table.


                            best sources

                            vitamin a

                            ● liver

                            ● fish

                            ● Butter

                            vitamin b complex

                            ● meat

                            ● milk

                            ● liver

                            vitamin d

                            ● liver

                            ● kidney

                            ● fish oil

                            vitamin e

                            ● liver

                            ● wheat germ oil

                            ● milk

                            ● Butter

                            needed minerals

                            cat food should contain traces of:

                            • magnesium
                            • phosphorus
                            • zinc
                            • calcium
                            • You should avoid products with high sodium levels because cats in general, and older cats in particular, have a hard time processing large amounts of sodium. the result can be kidney damage.

                              The best cat food to entice an older cat back to eating after a break should be:

                              • simple, with a small amount of clearly defined, high-quality ingredients
                              • full of animal protein
                              • seasoned with a little fat
                              • tasty, with a tempting smell
                              • is servant good for older cats?

                                If your older cat has stopped eating, the best thing you can do is leave it untamed to get it flowing again.

                                untamed is very nutritious and has a taste that cats love. all our recipes respect feline nutritional needs and our meal plans are tailored to give your kitty the right nutrients to maintain health.

                                our products adhere to these strict principles:

                                1. exclusively animal protein
                                2. high amounts of protein
                                3. recipes formulated by veterinarians
                                4. human grade ingredients
                                5. ethical production methods
                                6. exclusively animal protein

                                  each can of untamed contains only animal protein sources.

                                  your cat will get all the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and you are not feeding him artificially:

                                  • preservatives
                                  • colorings
                                  • flavor enhancers
                                  • untamed products are also free of known allergens, so even cats with sensitive stomachs should feel happy and healthy after every meal.

                                    high amounts of protein

                                    Feral cat food contains up to twice the amount of protein found in cheaper commercial cat foods.

                                    The results are visible in your cat’s muscle mass, energy levels and weight control.

                                    recipes formulated by veterinarians

                                    all our formulas have been developed in collaboration with veterinarians.

                                    each can of untamed contains all the ingredients your cat needs and is complete and balanced.

                                    human grade ingredients

                                    When it comes to the ingredients we choose for our cat food, it’s only good enough for wild animals if it’s good enough for humans.

                                    all of our ingredients are human grade and you will not find vague ingredients or long chemical names on the label of our final product.

                                    you can be sure your older friend is getting the best of the best.

                                    ethical production methods

                                    untamed is committed to providing you and your kitty with ethically made products.

                                    our meat and fish come from sustainable sources and our packaging is 100% recyclable.

                                    untamed is the non-plus-ultra of the cat food world.try us now and give your senior kitty a boost of energy, health And beauty. !

                                    happy and eating again with untamed

                                    image (c) wild

                                    how to become untamed

                                    If your older cat has stopped eating, now is the time to try.

                                    you can buy our cat food online and get free shipping. all you need to do is:

                                    1. tell us a few details about your feline companion
                                    2. check out our personalized meal plan
                                    3. order your trial package
                                    4. once your cat has chewed his way through the trial pack, we’ll send him regular monthly food packs, hopefully for a long time!

                                      Getting our monthly cat food subscription can usher in the return of your cat’s appetite. you should note the following benefits of going wild:


                                      the wild effect

                                      within a week

                                      ● more energy

                                      ● less mess in the litter box

                                      after two months

                                      ● a sleeker, shinier coat

                                      ● Less problems with hairballs

                                      four months from now

                                      ● a leaner, more muscular physique

                                      ● fewer digestive problems

                                      for life

                                      ● Natural weight control

                                      ● no need for extra sweets or dietary supplements

                                      You can cancel, pause or edit your monthly food box at any time. no strings attached!

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