
How to Read Your Cat’s Tail Language – PetMD

by jessica vogelsang, dvm

Perhaps you’ve stared into your cat’s eyes and said to yourself, “If only I knew what you were thinking.” Fortunately for pet owners, animal behaviorists have spent years of research understanding how cats communicate and have determined that felines exhibit very specific behaviors that let us know exactly what’s on their mind. Just because cats can’t talk doesn’t mean they can’t communicate.

why do cats purr?

purring is one of the great mysteries of modern veterinary medicine. Although most people correlate purrs with joy, cats can also purr when they are injured, nervous, or hungry. the same cat can even have different types of purrs for each scenario.

purring occurs when the muscles of the larynx contract, creating a sound in the frequency of 25 to 100 hertz. Sound frequency in this range has been shown to promote healing and improve bone density, so purring may be an efficient way for cats to calm themselves.


surprisingly, meowing is one of the rare forms of communication that cats reserve exclusively for humans. Except for young kittens, which meow when hungry, cats don’t meow at other cats.

As anyone with a talkative kitty knows, meowing can occur in a wide variety of pitches and volumes. cats meow as a way of greeting, a way to get attention or to fill their food bowl. older cats suffering from cognitive impairment may meow when disoriented. certain breeds, such as Siamese, are known for a large amount of meowing.

grunts, hisses, spits and meows

Although cats don’t meow to other cats, they definitely have vocalizations that they use to communicate. an angry or frightened cat may growl, hiss, or spit. cats displaying this behavior are often highly excited and may act aggressively if you try to interact with them.

meow is a prolonged meow or howl that can indicate distress. In female cats that have not been spayed or neutered, howling is also a common mating behavior when a female cat is in heat.


If you’ve ever seen a mother cat interacting with her kitten, you may have seen her chirp; a musical sound, similar to a trill. Just like we use a hiss to get our children’s attention, squeaks are a way mother cats reunite kittens. some cats also use it to help their owners follow them into an empty bowl.


Chattering, on the other hand, is a series of breathy noises a cat makes while watching birds, squirrels, or other prey outside a window. while some behaviorists theorize it is a frustrated response, new theories indicate that the chatter is intended to mimic a prey species’ call, confusing it long enough for the predator to pounce.

the eyes have it

A cat’s eyes give you many clues about its mood. Dilated pupils are the result of an adrenaline rush, indicating that your cat is excited, nervous, or feeling defensive. a cat that stares at a person or object for a long time simply indicates interest; unlike similar behavior in dogs, it is not intended to show dominance or aggression. a slow, lazy blink is a sign of affection and trust, which means your cat is comfortable enough to let you out of sight for a moment.


The position of a cat’s ears indicates a wide variety of emotional states. forward-pointing ears show alertness and interest. ears turned up and to the side, “smiling ears,” happen when a cat is happy. however, ears that are to the side and flattened (“airplane ears”) indicate irritation or fear. and if the ears are completely flat against your head, watch out! that’s a fighting stance.


The telltale tail is one of the most reliable ways to gauge a cat’s emotional state. a friendly cat will keep its tail up and relaxed. a stiff tail indicates uncertainty, while a tucked tail indicates submission or fear.

If a cat’s tail is swollen up like a bottle brush, it’s angry or upset and trying to appear bigger and more intimidating. a cat that flicks its tail from side to side like a whip shows irritation. but a cat that slowly winds its tail around its side is in a good mood.

the belly maneuver

rolling over on her back to show her belly is a very trusting behavior, as this puts a cat in a position to expose her sensitive abdomen while making it more difficult to run away. If your cat loves a tummy rub, he’s asking for some love and attention.

on the other hand, a cat that feels cornered and has no other way out can lie on its back so it can turn all four legs up to defend itself with a barrage of claws. happily, it’s easy to tell the difference.

signs that a cat is in danger

Cats rarely make noise when in physical danger, so it’s important to look for other signs that warrant a call to the vet. going in and out of the litter box or hunching over in the box can indicate a UTI or life-threatening blockage. open-mouth breathing is a serious respiratory sign. and head pressing, when a cat pathologically presses its head against a surface or stands in a corner, is a sign of serious neurological disease that requires immediate attention.

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