Why Do Cats “Blep”? A Veterinarian Explains
When you see your cat with the tip of its tongue sticking out, it’s up there with the cutest cat moments. but you are probably wondering why your cat does it. are they just trying to be cute? or is there a more important reason for it? this article will cover common causes of cat blepping, whether behavioral or medical.
what is blepping?
Blepping is when your cat leaves her tongue sticking out a bit after brushing, licking, meowing, or any other activity. it often looks like they stuck their tongue out and forgot to put it back, and it’s common behavior among cats! yes, it’s adorable and makes your cat look super cute, but is it really distracting or is there more to it than that?
also read: why do cats stick out their tongues?
why do cats blep?
It probably won’t surprise you to learn that not only is your cat trying to melt you when she beeps, but pleasing you has something to do with it. Here are some common reasons for blepping:
1. they’re investigating a scent
Did you know that cats not only communicate vocally, but also through scent? they can obtain a lot of information about their environment and its occupants by detecting odorous compounds called pheromones.
Your tongue collects pheromones, and while your taste buds investigate taste, they also have special receptors that can interpret what the smell means. They do this through the flehmen response, in which they curl their lips to transfer pheromones to the vomeronasal organ, or Jacobson’s organ, in the roof of the mouth.
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2. they know you like it
It’s well known that dogs are very easy to train, but did you know that cats are too? cats often adapt their behavior to make us happy or to please us, to get a reward like a hug, treat or praise.
so if you react positively when your cat beeps, she’ll probably notice. You’ll soon realize that they sound just right for you to sweet talk them, tickle their chin, or give them something tasty! this is known as positive reinforcement and is a recognized pet training technique.
Also read: 10 Surprising Facts About Your Cat’s Tongue
3. their mouth hurts
If your cat has sore gums, stomatitis and inflammation or infections from periodontal disease, her mouth probably hurts a lot.
Therefore, your feline family member will find it more comfortable to let their tongue hang out a bit, rather than keep it in their mouth. You may also notice this if your cat has ulcers from advanced kidney disease or after licking caustic or irritating substances.
In addition to beeping, your cat may also drool more than usual and stop eating. You might also notice that his breath smells particularly bad.
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4. they feel sick
When cats feel nauseous, they often drool a lot. having a lot of saliva in their mouths can cause them to keep their mouths relaxed or ajar. this means that your tongue may naturally stick out a bit. If your cat is feeling unwell, you may also notice that he is vomiting, stops eating, or has diarrhea.
5. they’re struggling to breathe
Dogs love to pant, but cats can be a sign of shortness of breath. If your cat has been breathing with his mouth open, you may notice that he is sticking out his tongue. Open mouth breathing in cats is often an emergency, so be sure to seek help from your vet immediately.
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6. they got distracted
If you have a cat, you might enjoy watching it groom itself. after all, it is very cute when they lick their paws and rub behind their ears. but have you ever noticed your cat stop mid-grooming due to distraction?
one of the most common reasons cats make noise is to interrupt or distract them during a grooming session.
7. they are relaxed and happy
When your cat is relaxed, content, or purring, you may notice her tongue stick out a bit. if you’re unlucky, your cat might start drooling a bit!
This is sometimes because when your cat is feeling full or falling asleep, the jaw muscles relax a bit, leaving the mouth slightly open. this little gap in the mouth is the perfect size for the tip of the tongue to slip through!
8. some teeth are missing
One of the reasons a cat’s tongue stays in its mouth most of the time is because its teeth hold it in place. if they are missing large teeth such as canines (tusks), the tongue may come out more easily.
should you be concerned if you notice your cat blepping?
If your cat is a regular blepper, you don’t need to worry too much, especially if she’s had regular vet checkups. beeping can be normal cat behavior, and as owners you might try to actively encourage it.
However, if your cat didn’t used to stick his tongue out much but suddenly you see him sticking his tongue out, it likely indicates a problem. this is especially true if they have other symptoms such as poor appetite, facial pawing, drooling, weight loss, or bad breath.
If you are concerned that your cat’s beeping is abnormal, make an appointment with your veterinarian or a certified feline behavior consultant.
There’s no denying that blepping makes your cat look adorable. however, it’s worth remembering that blepping can be a sign of a medical problem. so if your cat hasn’t always behaved this way, it might be helpful to get a veterinarian’s perspective or see an animal behavior consultant.
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