
About the Highland Lynx Breed – Love Lynx Cattery

general information about the breed

The highland lynx breed belongs to the desert lynx breed group, which is made up of the desert lynx (large, straight ears), highland lynx (curly ears), mohave bob (curly hair) and the alpine lynx (only white hair). coming from two different breeds, jungle curl & desert lynx, highland lynx is a purebred exotic cat recognized under the rare exotic feline registry (refr). Characterized by their wild appearance, curled ears, polydactyl feet (5+ toes), and unique coloration, this breed makes a fun-loving domesticated companion.

size and body composition size

The upland lynx’s facial structure is distinguished by a well-rounded, but boxy appearance, with prominent whiskers. Appearances are exotic and stoic with beautifully colored eyes ranging from blue to green to gold. They are medium in size with a body frame that is longer, larger, and more muscular than normal house cats, they are accompanied by longer hind legs that allow them to run faster and jump longer distances than typical house cats. females are slightly larger than domestic cats and range from 8 to 15 pounds, while males range from 12 to 20 pounds at three-year maturity.

polydactyl legs

Highland lynx cats may have one extra toe on each paw (six toes in front, five toes in back), or they may have up to nine toes on their front and/or hind feet. the more fingers a cat has, the more desirable. Be careful, they are quite the troublemakers with extra digits, as they learn to grab food, open cabinets, and are quite climbers. some cats are born with normal “straight” legs. cats born with straight legs or ears will not reproduce kittens with either trait.

coloring and coloring skin patterns

Highland lynx shows a wide variety of colors, including ebony, blue sorrel, fawn, chocolate, lilac, red and cream, silver, cameo, sepia, mink, and snow. Furthermore, there are three coat patterns represented by this bread; fawn (marked), leopard (spotted), clouded (or marbled) leopard. solid colored cats are sometimes featured, as well as classic tabby cats and mackerel. the breed has both shorthaired and longhaired variations. these cats are not hypoallergenic.

tail length

Last but not least, the highland lynx graces the look of the wild with their often natural bobtails. tail length can also range from rump (1 vertebra), nst (2-3 vertebrae or ~1 1/2 – 2″), hock length (~4″) to normal length, long tail .

health and health maintenance

While this breed is not subject to any major health problems, there are some considerations to keep in mind when caring for your Highland Lynx. Because ear curvature and size are generally smaller than straight-eared cats, they are prone to wax buildup and your cat’s ears need to be cleaned once a week with a vet-approved product. , like bad acetic. visit our blog on how to clean your cat’s ears. Additionally, due to the hybrid breed of cats, veterinarians should avoid ketamine anesthesia for surgeries such as spay/neuter. this could be potentially fatal or cause blindness.

temper & personality

If you’re looking for a loving companion, the mountain lynx is your cat! these cats are intelligent, responsive, playful, and adorable all at the same time. they are mischievous and affectionate cats, active and confident. Despite their feral appearance, they are domesticated cats who create a unique bond with all humans and creatures, including other cats, dogs, and, well, even goats!

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