
The Symbolic Meaning of Crossing Paths With a Black Cat

what to do if you see a black cat

Seeing a black cat can be very controversial; depending on how you view black cats, it’s terrifying or reassuring. “in many cultures, it is customary to spit over your shoulder to counteract the evil eye when you see a black cat cross your path,” says famous psychic inbaal honigman. “The association of the color black with evil most likely stems from the primitive fear of the dark. but for many others, a black cat crossing their path is a sign that good luck is on the way and prosperity is near.”

black cats and culture

Although cats were not considered gods themselves, Honigman notes that in ancient Egypt it was popular to depict deities as cats or with cat heads.

“bastet was a cat-headed goddess and sekhmet had a lion head, which is also a big cat,” says honigman. “Cats are depicted in many ancient Egyptian artworks, and were even mummified.” meanwhile, honigman says that greek, roman and russian cultures also revered cats for possessing “noble and hygienic behaviour” and enjoying their company.

All this to say that, for centuries, culturally, cats, even black cats, have been praised, not feared. “Cats are thoughtful, intuitive, and balanced, so they are said to spiritually invoke these qualities in those they encounter,” Honigman says. “A black cat, in particular, can slip in and out of shadows unseen, and therefore has the added spiritual gift of a walker between worlds.”

black cat symbolism

despite being highly revered for centuries, over time, black cats began to be clouded with different meanings. “A black cat symbolizes mystery and secrecy,” says Honigman. “For those afraid of mysteries, the black cat can represent evil. but lovers of mysteries, magic, and the arts love that aspect of cat symbolism. thus, the meaning of the black cat is subjective.

That being said, if you keep seeing a lot of black cats in your everyday life, honigman says it’s not something you should ignore. “It’s definitely a message from the universe,” he says, noting that anything persistent and out of the ordinary is probably a message. “The ancient Egyptian goddess Bastet was a cat-headed deity and was often depicted to her as black or as a black cat. Bastet’s message is that of home, feminine magic and fertility.” As such, if you continually see black cats, Honigman says breakthroughs in those areas are likely. “Maybe a new home or an impending pregnancy,” he suggests.

On the other end of the spectrum, however, Honigman says the bastet was also a shapeshifter, as black cats are also known. so if you continually come across black cats, he says it could be a sign that you need to change your behavior to get the best results in a specific situation.

a heavenly sign

Some animals and people are believed to have powers, such as psychics and black cats, for example. this is why some people fear them while others accept the meaning they can give to life. With that in mind, psychic and creator of expert psychic reading Christine Wallace says it’s important to be aware of the potential benefits of crossing paths with a black cat.

“people may be afraid to cross or get into trouble with a psychic for fear that there is something sacred or special about them that god protects and they would avenge someone who might upset them or be cruel to them, this applies to a pregnant woman , a widow, or someone in mourning, especially if they are mourning their own child,” she says. “It is as if the heavens have protected them and given them the power of an evil eye so that if you hurt them, they can look at the one who has hurt them with bitter feelings and some bad fortune would befall them.

“The same applies to the black cat and other creatures,” says Wallace. “You wouldn’t want to kill a firefly, a ladybug or a butterfly because they are a godsend.” why these animals are considered so significant is a mystery. Because of their supposed meanings, Wallace says, coming across them can always be a glass-half-full instance. “If any of these creatures or animals are attracted to you, that’s a very good sign,” she says. “for example, if a black cat comes to play with you, it is a blessing and good fortune will come, a ladybug or a butterfly lands on you, or a firefly in the yard, all these bring good fortune.”


“just like the number 13, which is considered unlucky in Christianity but lucky in Judaism, or the broken plate that invites good luck in Greece, but a broken mirror is considered bad luck for the Romans, similarly, the black cat is considered an omen of both fortune and misfortune alternately, depending on where it is located,” says honigman, reminding us all of the importance of perspective. “like most things in life, superstition is largely a matter of geography.”

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